Monday, May 4, 2009


RIGHT as I got an idea for a video that might have been good, I remembered that my camera was over on the couch. So I go over and look for it. THen I se a shiny shiny pretty laptop and I'm like, oh, I lovesz me some interwebz. So I went online and was watching some videos. So I pull the lever thing to put the footrest thing up on the couch, and it gets stuck. It's supposed to be like automatic and just pop up, but it got like maybe 3 inches and stopped. So I started pulling on it and I was like wtf? So I pulled som more and then there was this flash. And I thought... Found my camera.... So I looked between the seets and saw the camera, managed to push it free from the mechanisms in the couch, and the footrest popped up.

I then unsuspectingly reached under the couch to get my camera, and found, to my surprise, a mangled camera.

I JUST GOT THE FUCKING CAMERA FOR CHRISTMAS! FIVE MONTHS, AND I ALREADY BROKE IT! Why do electronics hate me? I've killed 3 iPods- one from dropping, 2 from accidentaly washing in washing machine with pants- My lappy's original screen- dunno how that happened. Maybe a cat slept on it or something, but when I opened it, the screen was cracked- then my lappy's hard drive- virus. We had to wipe it.- and countless pairs of headphones.

I'd like to get a new camera, but how to afford it? I mean, there's my savings... Wait, that was meant to buy a car... But I now have a car... So I don't have to use my savings on that... :D I can get a new camera! It just has to be small. And... crap, I'll have to get it before I go to Disneyland. Good thing there's a Best Buy by my house. And a Target. and Costco. I think Costco would be best. That's where I think my parents got the original camera. I'll just get the same one. Yeah. Ok. BUt for now, I won't be abe to shoot the video I had planned originaly. Sigh. And... Crap, yeah I just forgot what it was.

Maybe I shouldn't have gotten a car...

My Latest Hell

Not to be confused with my first hell. This one is a bit different. I added a few more assholes.
I would have added Dick Cheney, but he is the Devil himself.

Overly strict parents, Oakland Raider Fans, General asshats
Circle I Limbo

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies, George Bush
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Rebels without causes, Libertarians
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Peope who try not to spell correctly, People who don't like Disney, Rednecks
Circle IV Rolling Weights

Homophobes, Creationists
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Intolerant morons, YouTube Haters
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Circle VII Burning Sands

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

People who voted yes on Prop 8
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Naw, it hasn't been forever at all!

Hi there! It's me again!
So much has happened since we last met. I seem to be updating stuff up the wazoo! Or not... Wel I just posted a new vid (in how long?) on You Tube. It's about my-are you sitting down?- new car! Yes, I have a car! Who woulda thunk it? So yeah. You shoud go check that out.

The most important think in my life now (besides my car) is my overwhelming love of Disney and in particular my love for the Mad Hatter. How could I not have seen how perfect for me he is before? I must be... mad... pun slightly intended. He's insane, I'm insane. He loves tea and hats, I love tea and hats. It all works out!

Anywhoo, for my birthday (in 2 weeks!!!) I will be going to DISNEYLAND!!! I haven't been in over a year. Which makes me sad. And a loser since I don't even live that far away. But now that I have a car, I plan to go as much as humanly possible. If I get an annual pass that is. So on my Disney adventure I will meet Squishy Hatter (look it up) and my life will be complete... Not really though since it won't be complete until I've worked at Disneyland and met Jeremy Irons. Yeah, good luck with that Katie...

In addition to DISNEYLAND, I will be going to Comic Con!!! WOOT! This year is the second year I've been and the first year that I have a 4-day pass. They sold out in like March. I got mine in December. I pwn. It will also be the first year I dress up. I will be a Pirate one day and that costume is done. I will be a female Mad Hatter with a costume of my own design. I am nearly done with that costume. I need to find orange fabric so I can make a coat. I also need gloves, shoes, and blue tights. And I need to finish the bow tie. My friend Robbie got me the hat when he went to Disneyland last month *was filled with envy* and I'll be seeing him on Saturday when I go to his play. So he's supposed to bring the hat then and I'll pay him and get my Hatter Hat. ACK I'M SO EXCITED!!!

So yep. I guess that's all for now. Oh. I have a video I need to do for my Career Explorations class, and I'll do that next weekend. Then I'll put it on YouTube so that I can use it at the presentation and so you all can see it. I doubt it will be very good, but it's worth a try and I'd rather make a video than a poster. My carrer that I'm focusing on is Film anyway, so I might as well. 

I have state testing on Thursday and Friday. After that is a little thing at my school we call Projects Week. We do... projects... obviously. 

So look forward to at least 3 videos in the near future, but hopefully more! TTFN!
