Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ummmm....... Ok....?

I'm beginning to think that Alex had a serious problem. I know he's Autistic(No, he really is). Well, mildly, but he still is. Anyway, he just doesn't seem to understand things. Like, Yesterday for example. I talked to him, finally. I said, "Alex, this is hard for me to say, but sometimes you follow me around and hang around outside of my classes and it sort of makes me uncomfortable." I said that, and he said, "So, what would you like me to do?" O.o Is he SERIOUS? OBVIOUSLY I'd like him to STOP IT! I responded, "Um, well, just stop haning around my classrooms and stuff. " I didn't want to just outright say "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" So, I'm not sure he got the picture... Because then I went to hang with my Dorks(the Guys) and he... You guessed it! Followed me. Yeah. O M F G! Ugh, he just DOESN'T GET IT!!!

So, I went to another TTM meeting last night. It went really well. We went into a discussion of Trich Tricks, as we call them. They are ways to controll pulling. It was god. My magical stop-from-pulling device is my Hufflepuff beanie. When I wear it, somehow I manage to pull significant amount less than usual. Woot for that!

So Mike and my fencing match is tomorrow! I bet he doesn't even have a stick yet XP I'm gonna beat him! Oh yeah! I've taken stage combat classes! WooHoo! I need to go fix my sword. It broke.

Type To Ya Later!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stop People from Trailing Around After You - wikiHow

Stop People from Trailing Around After You - wikiHow

Have a situation like I do with Alex? Try this! I'm going to tomorrow. Actually, Ive been folloing these rules for a few weeks... I'll try talking to him tomorrow. I hope it works! We'll see...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Verdict

Soooooo.... I can't remember if I told you about Drama on friday. I was pretty much ranting about Alex the whole time.
Well, we watched Into the Woods, with me mouthing along to all the songs. That was fun. Then before rehersals, Mr. Slagle said we still didn't have a venue and he was going to have a meeting with a church on Sunday. So, if the church didn't work, we've already asked so many venues and he thinks that if the church doesn't take it, no one will. But, if the show is cancelled, we're going to do a showcase. Classic Literature. We'd still do scenes from LW, and also Huck Finn and Pride and Prejudice and stuff like that. So I'd still get to be Jo.

Wellllllllllll,,,, Mike went to school today and he called me at lunch to tell me the news... The show's been cancelled. I hate Steve Mull. It's his fault we don't have a venue. And I'm not even just saying that. It is his fault.

So, to take my mind off of it, I'll just do a mini Alex rant. Whenever he e-mails me, he signs all of his e-mails "Love, Alex". Seriously, dude. That's just plain weird. I haven't even known him that long. What's with all of this "Love Alex" stuff? It's creepy, I tell ya.

Ok, mini rant over. I'm beginning to think I don't want to talk to him. He provides me with tons of material for the blog.

So, I'm writing a story. I'd like to call it a novel, but that would make it seem like I was some kind of professional or something.

Mike and I have been e-mailing back and forth, and I challenged him to a fencing match! Ok, it's more like a stick fight, because neither of us have foils, but it's the same basic principal. Ok, so It'll just be both of us trying to hit each other with sticks. But I shall win! HA HA HA!

Okay, that's all for now. I'm going to talk to Alex tomorrow!......If He doesn't seem to creepy...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

These Days...

Ok, so my friend Mike and I were talking to each other by e-mail, and I started ranting about Miley Cyrus and the media these days, adn I sorta digressed a bit. Here's my rant:

Ok, so I was watching the Barbra Walters after-oscars special thingy, and Miley Cyrus was the first one on. She was talking on and on about how she had a WHOLE WING of her house ALL TO HERSELF! Do you know how f-ing rediculous that it? If they sold that house and got a house that was maybe a bit smaller, but still big enough for the "princess" then they could feed HUNDREDS of people with the leftover money! There are people in India who are SLAVES and for $50 you can free one of them. Do you know how many people that celebrities could FREE with that money? They could give people BACK THEIR LIVES! And instead, they decide that, oh no, they'd rather sit i=on their gold-plated toilets and watch their 50" plasma screen TV! No, FORGET 50", that would be insulting. It's more like 100"! Not to mention they watch it in High Definition, because normal TV isn't good enough. Oh, no! The football game actually looks like it's on a TV! I have to go out and buy a TV so it'll seem like I'm actually at the game, even though it would be cheaper to just go to the game itself! Oh, back to Miley. She is 15 years old, and she gets her own WING!!!??!!!??!?!?!??!?!?! Are you KIDDING ME? It has its own flipping entrance too! I won't be surprised if she ends up pregnant next! Hollywood is getting REDICULOUS! I mean, do these people really NEED gigantic mansions and 10 cars and billions of dollars? NO THEY DON'T! If middle class families can get by with less than 100 grand a year, then so can they! If I ever get famous, I'll by my parents a house, by myself a nice little apartment in New York, make sure I have enough money for the nessecities, and donate the rest to charities, maybe FREE SOME SLAVES, while I'm at it! There is so much wastefulness, so much buying and selling, buying and selling, people forget what really matters! Friends, family, love, LIVING, dreams, OUR PLANET! They're killing the planet, already! All of these High-tech devices and gold-plated toilets are draining the planet of its resources. There'll be nothing left after a while! If the Native Americans could survive without TV and computers, why not us? We've become so hooked on this stuff! Even I'm guilty of it! I've become addicted to the computer! But at least I take some time to smell the roses! I dance around, I EAT! I'm not stick-thin, but I'm happy! I'd rather be me than someone else any day! What is even the point of being skinny, anyway? What does it gain you in life? Unfortunately, these days, it can gain you a lot, if you want to be a model or a, well, model is all I can think of right now. For REAL things, you need a BRAIN. You need skills and the ability to solve problems. Life isn't perfect! You need to be able to take what life throws at you, or you'll be crushed by it! Why do you think that there are so many teen suicides these days? There is so much emhisis in the media about looking perfect, being the perfect friend, boyfriend/girlfriend. There is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT!
Ok, if I keep going, I'll be writing for hours. See what my brain does to me sometimes? XP

Friday, February 22, 2008

Long and Crude

Ok, I bet this is going to be long... no longer than usual... but yeah. And it's going to have some curse words. If you don't like it, go do something else.

Ok, my mom was being really fucking annoying. So, We were gone for a week and she wanted me to get all of my homework done by 2:00 tomorrow or I won't be able to go to the Improv Everywhere Scene Diego mission. So, I managed to talk her down to me doing 2 assignments, but she says I have to clean my room. And it's never fucking clean enough for my parents. It's not like we're having prople over or anything, they just want it fucking spotless, don't they. I have this pile of books and crap next to my bed, and they are ALWAYS telling me to clean it up, even though by the next day it will be a pile again, and it isn't even that fucking big, anyway! They annoy the shit out of me sometimes. Ok, so, moving on...

Alex, if you read this, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!! I swear to God, he's fucking stalking me! And I'm just flat out avoiding him in every way possible, I even asked my dork friends to be spies for me, so that I wouldn't run into him, and they were being pretty funny about that. They started walking around in cirlces around the front gate because I was hiding in the math room, which is right by it... Anywhoooo, I went into the english room to hide a bit earlier, and he was walking back and forth by the ramp leading to the English room. I mean, you'd think the guy would get that I was avoiding him all day, but nooooooo... He sat next to me and kept chatting me up ALL through drama AND rehersals. When I was offstage, I was sitting down and watching, and he kept trying to get my attention and he was LEANING on my chair! It was CREEPY! Oh, and during drama, we were watching Into the Woods, and every time something even romotely funny happened, he'd have a freakin FIT! And then, he'd look at me to see if I was laughing. EVERY FREAKING TIME! Ok, so the story of Alex is pretty complicated, and my stories about him will most likely be confuzzling if you don't know it. So, I've decide that I shall tell you the complete Story of Alex. This is fun! I'll do more Story of's in the future, probably. Woot!

Ok, The Story of Alex...
SOOOOO, It all started last year... He was in drama and we all though he was a complete dork(me and my friends who were also in drama). I didn't really seem to notice him until... He was at Enchanted Evening last April, which was Masquerade themed, and he was wearing a Phantom mask. So, right away, love, right? So, we danced and it was fun, but I eventually got together with this other guy, Jason in May(I'll tell his story next... or maybe Nick's story...w/e) but that's a whole other story. So, I broke up with Jason and school started. I started talking to Alex, and we became friends.
Then, around... December I think, it came time for Winter Formal. My friend Erika somehow got his e-mail adderess, probly found it off of my computer or something... and she e-mailed him telling him that he should ask me to the formal. Remember, I still liked him at this time. So, I found out and got pissed at her, but not before she told me what Alex told her, that he doesn't want to go out with anyone until he had his driver's lisence, adn he was 17 and didn't even have his permit yet. So, I thought, "Yeah, I'm soooo not going to wait that long." Some girls might, but for me it was just a total dealbreaker. Well, at the formal, I started talking to Eric, Kyle, Xerxes, and Stefan, and I found that they were all really fun and great to talk too. They had similar opinions about politics and just random stuff, though they didn't care for Musicals, I don't really care. They're really awesome! XD(they will be known as the Guys from now on.)
So, I though a while over break, and I started to loose interest. He obviously didn't.
When I came back from winter break, we were still friends, but I didn't like him anymore. So, he tried out for Little Women, because I had said that he should, hoping he would be Fredrich and I would be Jo(I told him to back when I still liked him), which we were cast as. whoopy. So, we were still friends for a while, and I guess you could say that we still kinda are, but a few weeks ago, he started following me around. He started hanging out with the Guys a bit after I did, even though he said at the dance that he didn't like them and tried to avoid them whenever he could. Well, that must mean that he only hangs out with them to be around me! Touching, isn't it. Yeah, problem is I DON'T LIKE HIM!
ANYWAY... He started following me around, hanging around outside of my classrooms, being generally unavoidable(or so it would seem ;D) which just makes me try to avoid him. So today, I was pretty much forced into hiding in the jr. high math and english rooms to try and hide from him. When he started pacing back and forth outside the english class, we could see him out of the window. Miss M, our english teacher looked like she was about to start laughing. I actually managed to not run into him at all from lunch to Drama(about 3 periods). I have to admit, it was kinda fun trying to avoid him. It made me feel like a secret agent or something! XP
BUT, that does NOT mean I want him to conitnue this behavior! I want to be stalked by the Phantom or NOT AT ALL! XD
*sigh* At least Alexdoesn't call me or e-mail me non-stop. In fact, he rarely does either. What can I say, the guy is just plain weird. And not the good kind either.
So, he does this weird thing where he acts out enire scenes from movies or Homestarrunner or something, but he does all of the sound effects AND the motions. even in enclosed spaces. He once did this thing where he reenacted this scene from Happry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets where Harry hits Draco with Rictumsempra. Alex pretended to be Harry, yelling the spell, and then draco, being hit by the spell. H ejumped up and backwards, sort of spinning as he did so, do demonstrate Draco flying backwards and spinning around. He enacts scenes like this at least once or twice a day. It's one thing if he was practicing lines or something, but it just gets annoying. I sometimes feel embarrassed for him.
Anyway, he did this TWICE during rehersals today. He was obviously trying to get my attention, but I tried to ignore him without seemng too much like a bitch.
So, today all of my friends were teasing me about it. Rebecca kept going on about how he wants to marry me and how, "He had no one to love, until YOU came along!" She was just teasing, though, and it was pretty funny! :P
So, Alex is being creepy, ranting like this got me in a good enough mood to do some homework, and I'm satisfied! Don't you love blogging? XD

Tune in next week for... The Story of...(Either Nick or Jason. Probly Nick. Jason's annoys me so much that I think that telling it would result in a severe freak out. XPPPPPP o.O)


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Girl From Mars

So, I had the awesome guitar solo from Girl From Mars by Ash(If you haven't heard it, you NEED to!) stuck in my head for the past hour, but I couldn't remember what it was from. I kept humming it, trying to remember, but then I remembered it and I listened to it. Woot!

Well, I'm back home! I don't know what's up, but I'm really tired. And dizzy. I'll probly go to sleep soon. I hope I'm not sick, but I'm sort of feeling like I am. I can't be sick, though, because I have rehersals tomorrow. I'm going to go relax.

Boy, was that short?


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Okay, I'm in AZ right now! I'm at my grandparents house and these 2 guys are trying to sell us something. I'm not exactly sure what, but they've been here a while. I'm pretty tired. We got up at about 6 this morning. I was pretty perky, surprisingly, and I got ready pretty fast. My g-parents have one of those tassimo coffe maker things. It makes Hot Chocolate. It was TASTY! Now isn't that a nice product placement? I wish I were getting paid for it...
ANYWAY, so we drove to the hospital, where we got to see my uncle for a few minutes. He had an IV in his arm, and Aaron said "He's drinking water through his arm." It was funny. So, we went into the waiting room and started to wait... and wait... and wait. For about... hmmm... I think about 7 hours. I managed to take a few naps.
Oh, just in case I forgot to tell you, I can't remember if I filled you in or not... :P Well, my uncle, David had double bypass heart surgery today.
So, after about 4 or 5 hours I think, the surgeon came out and said that everything was going well. About an hour later, he came back and said that they had... Well, I'm not exactly sure what he said, but it would be another hour before they transported him to the ICU. So, Once he was there, the adults got to go see him. He was still asleep, but my mom said that he had tubes and stuff sticking out of him still, so Aaron, Ian(my other cousin) and I didn't go see him. We're gonna go see him tomorrow. It was pretty boring waiting, but the cafeteria food was pretty good, and the gift shop provided about 15 minutes of distraction. Then Aaron and my mom started a puzzle and I joined in. So, I'm glad i came, overall.

Anyway, on Tuesday, LG15 raffled away this bench that Gina(Played by Crystal Young) made that was singed by the cast. I didn't win :( But the chat room, which they announced the winner in, was CRAZY! It was so much fun! I actually tuned in from the airport. :P I got online just in time, too! It was tons of fun. Amanda kept teasing us, asking for drum rolls and other silly things. She was stalling and we were all freakaing out and having heart attacks. :) :P XD It was all very much fun. I'm not sure I've ever seen the chat room so busy before! XP

So, If ound this awesome new program called Fruity Loops 7. It lets you mix techno songs very awesomely. WOOT! I've gotten realtiveyly good, but I still have to figure some things out. ;P

Ok, I think that's all for now. I'm definately going to bed early tonight! I want some hot chocolate now... :D


Monday, February 18, 2008

Out of sanity

Hia! I've been having a lot of debates with people on YouTube, like this one guy who seems to think that every Jew is evil and hates everything but other Jews. I'm not Jewish, but I have a lot of really good friends who are, and I'd just like to say that this is complete bull. He said that I was using "vulgar language" for calling him a prick. And that is the only "bad word" I used in my little speach for him. I actually used good arguments and didn't curse him out. I used intelligent language, and He said I was Vulgar, uneducated, and unenlightened. Well, I responded, without a single "bad word" I might add, and he hasn't responded yet. He was a moron, plain and simple.

Enough about that! Let's move on to happier subjects. My birthday is in exactly 3 months minus one day. It's on the 17th of May, but I forgot to post yesterday :/ Silly me!

Hmmm... What else is there to say, really? Well, we are replacing our water heater so we don't have hot water at the moment. This make Katie ANGRY! :E

I'm flying to Arizona tomorrow for my uncle's heart surgury. It's going to be a lot of waiting around and anxiousness, but I'm pretty confident everything will turn out good! He has 2 sons, one who's nearly 14 right now. They live in Mexico, but they went to Arizona because most of my Mom's family(he's my Mom's brother) lives there. Anyway, the nearly 14-year-old, Aaron, is really fun and one of my really good friends when they come to visit. He's not like a normal stupid guy. He's smart and funny and plays the drums. And he's not an idiot, like most guys.

Sooooooo, about the Alex situation... My dad says that I should just ask (still not saying his name) out, because that will let Alex get the message that I don't like him like that. Why does life have to be such a roller coaster? *sigh* Oh well.

I'm glad I write this blog. Years from now, I'll be able to go back and look at it and It'll never get lost, like most of my journals tend to do...

I guess that's all for now! Hey, 1 minute till midnight! WOOT! Oh, I updated my pic! YAY!


Saturday, February 16, 2008


Ok, it's sad, but Christian couldn't be with us for the podcast-last minute thing, so Lexi got another guy to step in. He sounded very gangster. I'm not kidding. It was rther odd in some parts... like when he kept going on and on and on with his stories of what will happen in videos. It got kinda annoying... nd, he's been moderated by Broken_Kid, who I love, and he kept insulting poor BK. It's BK's job! I can understand why he was moderated. He showed NO respect for the moderators.
Ok, enough ranting. If you listen to the podcast, hope you like it! If you don't, GO LISTEN NOW! :)


A fine, fine line

This is named after a really good song from Avenue Q. The sont is probably the most serious in the musical, seeing as how 2 of my other favorite songs in it are called If You were Gay and The Internet is for Porn. Yeah, wellllllll...

So I'm stalling. Well, there's this guy at my school, who I forget if I told you about before, that I like. I think his friends might read this, so I'll keep his name a secret for now. Well, I want to ask hm out. Problems.... I'm pretty dang sure that Alex REALLLLLLY likes me. He gave me chocolate on V-day(so he obviously doessn't read my blog). Well, the day after V-day, since I don't have school thursdays. Anyway, so Alex really likes me. We covered that. So, I don't want to hurt his feelings by asking the other guy out because Alex is a really good friend, but I'm really not interested in him like that. I used to be, but I guess I just lost interest and stuff. So, I want to ask the other guy out, but Alex tends to overreact to a lot of things and I really don't want to invoke his wrath :P
So, I'm planning to ask the other guy out soon, because I'm pretty sure he likes me too. I have a good sense for these things. But, how to let Alex down softly? UGH! Boys are so unobservant! Seriously, I've been really trying to avoid Alex when he starts following me around, trying to give him the cold shoulder without being too mean, being, what I think is REALLY obvious about my feelings, but Alex just doesn't get it! He continues to follow me around and wait outside my classes! And I'm sooooo not one to intentionally play hard-to-get. I think that that's just kind of stupid. I only really hide my feelings if speaking them aloud would defnately cause a giant blow-out. And even then I sometimes say them.

Ok, I have about 10 songs I've written for Alex which say to "Step Off" or that "He's not the one". I'll go post them on my blog soon. I just gotta go get them...

Oh! So, We're recording another podcast today at 6:30. I'll tell you how it goes! LG15 is really exciting right now!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

i iz a gud SpELLr! PART 3!: A Revelation

So, I just wanted to finish up this "series" of posts. This should sum it up...


They're ornamental, but not so useful. In other words, fun to watch, not really good for much else. Well, these days, I guess not all of them are that fun to watch, what with all of the fast food and unhealythyness going about these days.(Have I mentioned I HATE MCDONALDS! And WalMart, but that's another story...)

So, I think I want to make an entire blog devoted completely to my lyrics! I have A TON of lyrics I've written, all based on my life experiences/obsessions/wishes/yadayadayada...

So... Look out for the upcoming blog: Lyrics of the 17th realm! (That's what I decided to call it. Cool, huh?) 17 is my favorite number, btw.

Until next time, this has been Katie!
Over and Out!

i iz a gud SpELLr! PART 2!: For the Boys

Ok, here are the lyrics!

To The Boys

Boy 1: I thought you really liked me
turns out you did.
But not enought to ask out only me
I bet the other two girls turned you down.

I'm over it- I've so moved on,
no grudge is held, in fact we're friends again
but you were stupid then, just thought you should know

[C:]You're just a guy, a normal, stupid guy
I'm done, so long, It's over now-over now.

Boy 2: You said you loved me but you asked me to change.
I liked you a lot do I changed for you
I wanted to tell you "no tongue" It freaking GROSSED ME OUT.
You need someone better suited to your eating habits(Oh yeah, I went there.)

But I'm over it- I've soooooooooo moved on
And I changed back so HA! TAKE THAT!
You were stupid then, just thought you should know.


Boy 3: Well I'm still waiting for boy 3.
I hope he's better than the other two.
This song's for them, yeah, this song's for them!

STUPID BOYS! Will you ever learn?
Do they EVER learn?
I guess yes, no, maybe so.
Whatever happens will happen.
It's all in the past since I've gotten this off my chest.

This is a song
For the Boys
For the Boys
For the Boys
Do they ever learn? [verse sung 3x]

Do they ever learn?

i iz a gud SpELLr!

Ok, so I'm about to write something concerning one of my friends that might hurt their feelings if they read this, but I'm not sure if they read this, so I'll take my chances.
So, I've mentioned Alex before. He's one of my best guy friends, you know? But, sometimes I just wanna hang with other friends or just by myself and he, well, tends to follow me around. An ex boyfriend of mine used to do the same thing, only I ignored him. I tal to Alex so as not to seem mean or anything. Is this just a guy thing? He's told me he likes me. So, do guys just follow you around all the time if they like you? If so, WHY? It just gets so annoying sometimes!
I'm not saying I hate him or anything, that would be silly. I'm just saying that I find it VERY annoying and irritating when a guy follows me around. I guess some girls might like it, but I'm not your average, everyday girl! I tend to make friends more with guys than girls. Girls can be such drama queens sometimes! I mean, I can too, but usually I'm just acting or goofing around.

Ok, examples of such following-me-around behavior:
1. He stands around the exits to my classes and around where I hang out.
2. When he sees me hanging with my other guy friends, Eric, Kyle, Xerxes(I can't spell his name :P) and Stefan, he comes over and starts talking with us. I know for a fact he's just over there to talk to me [because, at this one dance, he said that he doesn't really like them. At said dance, I started talking to them, and found that they are pretty cool guys, so I started hanging with them at lunch.]

Is he jealous of them or something? That would be kind of silly-they're all a year younger than me (Not that I would really care, if I was interested in one of them, I just usually go for older guys {Not like that, you perv! 3 years older is my absolute limit! Well... Erik(Phantom) is my dream guy... BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT!})


I think that I want to date someone. Maybe it's just Valentines day, maybe it's just me. I don't really want to get into a serious relationship, because bothe of my past ones, the guys said "I Love You" very quickly and, while I said it back, I'm not sure I really meant it, and I got, well, tired and bored of them... Let me tell you the story of each... OH, wait! I wrote a song for them! I'll type up the lyrics! It makes it quite a bit shorter, so this doesn't take 3 hours to read. It probly will anyway, like my other posts, but... OH WELL!

Actually, this is already pretty long. I'll post the lyrics in another post. :) 1 minute!...

Monday, February 11, 2008

So obnoxious.

Moving on:

I have a new favorite song(well, songs, actually): 30/90 and Therapy from Tick, Tick... BOOM! They both rock! You should go listen to them! NOW! They're by Jonathan Larson, the guy who worte Rent, and the sound is very similar, so if you like rent, you'll like this, I can pretty much guaruntee it.

So, I'm going to reveal to all of you readers a secret... I have Trichotillomania. It's a condition where I pull out my hair, leaving embarrasing bald spots which I tend to cover with hats.

So, many people who know about it ask, Why don't I just stop?

It's seiously not that simple. It's an addiction. It's like being a drug addict or Alcoholic. I. Can't. Help. It. It's so annoying when people ask me why I do it and why I can't stop. Why does anyone do anything? I just do it. I can't help it! So, I meet with this group of people who have TTM...

I really want to go to a rave. Techno music blaring and flashing, seisure-inducing lights, everyone dancing and jumping around! That would be so much fun! I doubt that there are ANY raves near where I live, thoiugh. I'd have to go downtown for that.

Back to TTM...

Well, tonight I went to the meetup group and we made vision boards. We looked throught magazines and picked out anything that we wanted and put it on the board. It was fun! We also went around like we always do, said where we pulled from and how long we've been pulling. I pull from my head, mostly, but a lot of the women there pull from their lashes or eyebrows.

I would have posted this last night, but my dad took away my laptop. He just gave it back.

So, vision boards help you visualize stuff. This one woman had made them before and one of hers had a picture of a bride and groom dancing and 3 pink dasies. SHe said that after that, she got 2 boyfriends(not at the same time, one after another) and one of them gave her 3 pink dasies! SPOOKY! I put James MacAvoy on mine. Maybe I'll get to meet him! I also put Milo Ventimiglia. They're both... sooooo.... HOT! *drools* I couldn't find one of Christian Bale, though, so I'll just have to print one out. Ooooooh, I just found a really good one on google! *sigh* He's the best!
I also put 3 really cute hats on it and 3 really cute pairs of shoes.
So, you can e-mail me about TTM or just plain anything(as long as you don't spam me) by going to my profile and clicking on e-mail on the left bar.
I should go eat now- I'm STARVING!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Calmed Down

Ok, so've calmed down a bit since yesterday.
I've realaized that if Little Women doesn't happen that I can always kill myself.
;) Haha JK!
What I've realized is that it's just a play. I'll have plenty of other roles, and We're going to do SOMETHING this year, even if it's not Little Women. Mr. Slagle said that we'll do SOME play if we can't do Little Women.
BUT, today I watched The Jane Austen Book Club, which was good. Point?:In the previews part of the special features, there was an old trailer for... Little Women! My favorite version:1994. And it was definately the original one. There were just plain titales and it looked very 90's.
I think it was a sign that Little Women is going to happen!(yes, I am a freak who believes in signs. so sue me.) It made me feel loads better. So did chocolate. :) yum!
I tried to do some memorizing today, but I just couldn't. I started crying when I did. Not Good.
So, that's pretty much everything of importance that happened today. ttyl! :)

Friday, February 8, 2008


I got home today and watched Sydney White (the one w/ Amanda Bynes based on Snow White), and ate about 10 tons of chocolate. Why? I'll tell you.
Well, today started out pretty good. Great, in fact. I spent all day looking forward to Drama and rehersals. Drama was fun. We played a couple of improv games and that was awesome. Mr. Slagle was about 15 minutes late, though. I went to peek in the office window, and saw him talking to Mrs. Bass, our secratary. I though nothing of it at the time. Well, last week we had a little scare. We thought the show might not go on, but it was all resolved, thanks to Mrs. Bass.
Well, today, before rehersals, Mr. Slagle told the cast to come into the media center, where we've done rehersals for the past 3 weeks. We were going to be down at the middle school, but... I'm getting to that.
Anyway, Mr. Slagle said he needed to talk with us. Right away, I thought "bad..." and it just got worse. Mr Slage said that Little Women might be cancelled. He said there was some issue with funding and storage and sets and some prick, Mr. Mull, the principal of the school we want to do the play at, has done some idiotic things. Here, I'll list them. Well, HE came to Mr. Slagle and told him that he would love it if LW was performed at LMS(the school)'s auditorium. Well, Mr. Slagle loved the idea, and Mr. Mull gave him some dates that we could perform on, and he said that we could definately practice there every friday. WELL, the asshole has booked OTHER events on the days HE ALREADY FREAKING PROMISED TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, I want to strangle him! oh, and it just gets better. Mr. Mull doesn't want his lighting and sound equipment being handled by anyone other than these 2 people he knows, and on the days he suggested for the performances, he has them DOING SOME STUPID PARADE! So, that means NO LIGHTING OR SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to send him a very angry e-mail. I even found his e-mail address, but I don't know what to write. I've tried a few different messages. Most are realtively polite, because he wouldn't listen to some raving lunatic, but I just can't write it right. ANy ideas?
So, while Mr. Slagle was saying all of this to us, I was tearing up, but not outright crying. Then, he said, "All right, take a 5 minute break to get water or cry or whathever" I started bawling. I couldn't stop it for a few minutes. It's my FIRST leading role, and It might not even go on.
I mean, I'm not even all that upset at ALL THE FREAKING WORK I PUT INTO THIS! I memorized MOST of the freaking play, already! But it's not that. I've psyched myslef out for this, I'v ebeen so excited. I screamed and jumped and danced around my house when I found out I was Jo. I have been so into this whole thing, researching 19th century ettiquite, watching any version of LW i could get my hands on, practicing lines and trying to get the PERFECT inflection on each line, all 224 of them(I counted the lines, remember?). Almost every blog post on here has SOMETHING to do with LW. Hell, I eaven wrote a POEM about it! I then wrote ANOTHER from Jo's POV(I wasn't able to record that one). I learned how to fake-sob for the Beth dying scene. I am just so into this whole thing and I can't wait for it to take off, and then I find out that It might just all go away, and It was all for nothing? You see why I'm so upset? I've put so much love and energy into this, and I don't want to see it all slip away.
So, during my little bawling scene, Mike and Alex were being total sweethearts. Mike put his arm around me, and Alex let me hug him and totally cry on him. I felt like a total idiot, but them comforting me really helped.
I just don't want this all to be for nothing.
Oh, great, I'm crying again. 1 sec...
I fell like I've lost a best friend. This is one of my dream-roles, second only to Christine in POTO, and Elphaba in Wicked. My Mom's name is Jo, my middle name is Jo. MY grandma's name is Beth and her sister is Meg. I'm named afther Katherine Hepburn because my mom loved that version of LW. I have so many ties to it and I just....
I need to take a really lnog bath right now. with lost of bath salts. and chocolate.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Wow! I've gotten TWO whole comments on my vids since the podcast! I'm getting totally popular! plft...

SOOOOO, I can't wait till school tomorrow! I haven't done any memorizing today, but I plan to make it up on saturday and finish memorizing the whole thing. Then I can work on refining it! Maybe I'll read through and record the whole thing!

Alright, sorry for the incredibly short blog post, but I've got to finish book IV of the Oddessey, AKA the longest f***ing chapter known to man! It's pretty interesting, though. Helen is seriously vain!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

School Daze

Hilo! Ok, so I bet you're dying to know how my day at school was... So I'll appease you. ;)
Lunch: Lunch was pretty good. I practiced lines with Rebecca and Alex (Meg and Fredrich, in case you forgot), and We talked with Katerina and Katherine(Katherine is Rebecca's sister, Katerina is another drama friend. They're doing hair and make-up.) about guys we liked. Well, faous guys. We all love Christian Bale, but who couldn't He was Batman and Laurie, AND he can sing! *faint*

So, where was I? Right, school. Well, that was pretty much it. We discussed book IV of the Oddessey in english, which we are currently reading. Math was really the only class I was completely BORED in. I LOVE math, well algebra at least. I love finding x. I rock at that. But I love doing acual equations, but it's the classes I can't stand. We've gone through about, lets see... *counts* 7 teachers this year, and our newest one is dull as powder most of the time. Anyway, we're also doing proofs this year. I HATE PROOFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're easy enough, which makes them all the more annoying. I at least want some kind of challenge, like something that will spark my brain, but proofs are just... Proving things. And, let me tell you. I am 100% sure I am NEVER FREAKING AGAIN GOING TO USE PROOFS AGAIN! WHYTF WOULD I EVER HAVE TO USE PROOFS AS AN ACTRESS?!?!!?!?!?!?!!? GOD, IT PISSED ME OFF SO FREAKING MUCH I'D LIKE TO KILL WHOEVER WROTE OUR TEXTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After school:
I practiced some lines, watched half of American Idol, and watched Little Women(the one with Christian Bale *drool*) I found the soundtrack to it on Rhapsody, so I was practicing lines along to the music. It was awesome! Iwas nearly sobbing when I got to the part with Beth dying. *sobs again* It's even worse than the Jo/Laurie scene! At least Laurie doesn't die!
Oh, but I just love the play so much! It's completely awesome!
We're going to start on a new section in drama: Musical theatre!!!!!!!! I pretty much screamed when Mr. Slagle told us. And we're going to study Into the Woods. I nearly screamed again. Could life get much better? I doubt it. We'll just have to see, won't we? I so can't wait till friday. We'll probly watch Into the Woods if it's too cold outside again. Which it probly will be. We seriously need an indoor stage. Ha, yeah, like that's ever going to happen. There's a big middle school down the hill from our school, so we're going to use their stage for rehersals Friday. And the performance. we're going to start doing rehersals Tuesdays as well as Fridays next week, most likely, so I'll have more to tell you.
I hope we record another podcast on Sunday. That'd be great!
Anyways, I've nearly memorized act III, and I can't wait to move on to IV. I think I have the least amount of lines in IV. And probab;y the most in II, but that's because there are 2 scenes. I think I'll go count them...
Act I: 69 lines
Act II Scene I: 65
Act II Scene II: 44
Act II (Total): 109
Act III: 39
Act IV: 27
That's...*gets out calculator because is too lazy to do it in head* 244 lines total! That doesn't seem so bad i guess... But whwen I think about it, I think the most lines I've ever had in a show were like at the most 20. Can't really remember entirely. Anyway, most of Jo's lines are pretty quick, like only a sentence or two. Some are only one or two words!
Oh, did I tell you that Jo gets to eat TWO apples on stage? YES!!! I love apples. *Sigh* but I think you've gotten that picture by now.
Since you've read this far, I shall share with you a treat: A YouTube video that is pretty much awesome. It's hard to describe. Just watch it!

Katie and the Apple

Ok, so I think I know what Eve saw in that apple... Ha, jk. Sorta...
So, It's about 2:30 AM right now and I totally just devoured this apple. But I did it really slowly, completely paying attention to each tasty bite. It was... AMAZING! I've never had such a tasty apple in my entire life! I swear, apples should be considered deserts. I can't explain to you how amazingly amazing this apple tasted. I think I'm totally addicted to apples now. God, I'm so in love with this apple. I'm almost sad because it's gone and I'm thinking there could never be such a great apple ever again. And the thing is, It didn't really look all that amazing. It ws just a regular fiji apple, but it had the sort of brownish spot on it. Not very big and noticeable, but it was there. Still, one side of it was such an amazing red color. It was sort of like... deep but not dark, with a hint of peachy and orangy colors. I should have taken a picture of this apple. It was seriously like a religious experience, this apple. I wish i could eat it again. I'm too lazy to get up and get another apple, but let me tell you, that was one SPECTACULAR apple. No words are good enough to rightly describe this apple. It was sweet enought to be a candy, but it was more like a natural sweet, like I was eating sugar... that was good for me... and tasted like an apple. It was kinda sour, but it was the perfect amount of sour. Not too sour, but just enough to add some interest to it. I can't believe this apple! I think I'm going to take the apple core and make a little shrine for it in my closet or something. Ok, that might be going a bit to far, but I tell ya, this apple deserved it! Just think, it was probably growing for many months on some tree in an orchard somewhere, and then it was picked, shipped off somewhere to be cleaned, waxed, and stickered, then it was put in a pack with some other apples, all of whom were completely jealous of this apple, then it was put in a box and shipped to costco or vons or whereve my mom got it, and then my mom, not knowing this would eventually prompt this amazing blog post, selected and bought the apple, and brought it home where, a few days later, I happened to be hungry and longing for a midnight(2:30 am) snack, and I go into my kitchen, select this apple, and start my amazing experience! I'm seriously about to cry right now, this apple was so good. I think that somehow, somewhere, sometime, I MUST have done something right to deserve this perfection in an apple! And what an apple it was!

I think I died.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Herbolgy Lovers Dorm

Ok, that was a totally random and irrelevant title, but, Hey! That's me!
I guess I used it because I ware some Harry Potter stuff today. I wore a shirt with the initials of all those who died in the fight against Voldemort. And my Hufflepuff Beanie. Yay Hufflepuff!
Ok, I'm about to go on a tangent...
Everyone always thinks that all of the losers and outcasts end up in Hufflepuff, and that's simply not true. Did you think Cedric was an outcast and loser? I DON'T THINK SO! If I had to chose one person to marry from HP, I would pick, well, first Neville, and then Cedric. Hufflepuffs are just, open-minded, loyal, hard-working(ok, so maybe I'm not so hard-working when It comes to homework, but have you seen my monologue-memorizing skillage?), and true. Yes, so the sorting hat has said that Hufflepuff thakes the rest, but that doesn't mean trey're just social outcasts that couldn't fit anywhere else! It just means that Hufflepuff is inclusive and welcoming to anyone, even the people who maybe aren't crazily brave, evilly sly, or especially smart! JEEZ! I love Tonks. She was in Hufflepuff! *cries for Tonks* D`:

Moving on,
So I was absent Wednesday so I went to make up some quizzes that I missed today. At school, I mean. Ha, just in caes you thought I meant Hogwarts or something. :P That was pretty cool. I also went over Act 3. I didn't start memorizing yet, but I did a little read-through. That helps me get a feel for the lines before I actually start memorizing. I love it all! I've memorized the scene where Laurie proposes. I get so sad every time I practice it. And then I rant at Jo. I mean WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK LAURIE! I MEAN FREDRICK IS FRICKIN TWICE YOUR AGE! JEEZ!!!!!!!!! Poor Laurie... :(
Oh well. I've always approved of the Fredrich/Jo pairing, but I guess I've also always thought that Laurie and Jo were very well suited. Especially in the 1994 movie version. Winona Ryder and Christian Bale had SO much chemistry together. They were PERFECT! And Win and Gabriel Byrne just, well, not so much. And I love Gabriel, but he and Win just didn't have the right chemistry. sigh!
So, If anyone reads this blog, HI! I'm glad you read it!
So, Episode 1 of LonelyCast15 is up! Go to the LC15 blog ( to dowload it. Just click the Subscribe button on the right next to the funny orangey thingy. Wow, I have such a complex vocabulary, huh?
Have you ever listened to Yael Naim? She's awesome. She did the song for the MacBook Air commercial. While I think that The MacBook Air is incredibly silly and unnessecary,[
(I mean, really, Who needs a laptop that's skinnier than their finger? It's getting rediculous! Everything is getting skinner now, the Mp3 players, the phones, the laptops, the models. FUCK IT! Oh, yeah, I went there! Ok, so I have the newest super-skinny iPod. My old one broke and it was the cheapest iPod. I didn't want to bother converting ALL of my songs into Mp3's. So sue me!)
] I love the music they put on their commercials. All of it is just so un-mainstream, you can almost forget that it's a giant super-company that has totaly revolutionized the mainstream(see the rant-everything is SMALLER NOW!), Perhaps not for the better.

Ok, I think 2 rants is enough for one blog, don't you?

P.S.-HAve you heard the song by Vampire Weekend called A-punk? It rocks! I love the music video. It got featured on YouTube! Yay! At least YouYube hasn't gone COMPLELY mainstream, yet. *sigh* :)

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Hey, there! The first episod of LC15 has been recorded! YAY! We shall hopefully be getting tons of fans soon! YAY! Because who doesn't love a LG15 podacst, right? Oh, I bet i sound like a total dork on it. OH WELL! That's what I like! YAY DORKS!
Anyway, I'll try to edit the school vid soon. Eventually. Ok, let's face it, I'll probably never get it up. *sigh* I'll just make it a DVD and sell it to my friends XP
It's raining really hard here. Ok, so not really hard, but pretty hard.
I had SO much fun recording the podcast, being able to talk to fellow LonelyCrackers like myself. I was suprised when Lexi said that Christian and I were the first 2 people to e-mail her. I thought I'd be one of hundreds of people! Hmmmm, guess I just love internet fame, right? :P
I was memorizing lines like CRAZY last night! I've managed to roughly memorize the first 2 acts. By roughly, I mean that I know most of the ques and lines, but I sometimes need to look at my script. It's so exciting! I have so much going on in my life right now, what with the Podcast and LW and just general life. I love it! I hate being bored.
So, I suppose I'll get plenty of adoring fans soon. :P Ha, jk.
I hope the Creators let LC15 become an official LG15 podcast. That would be AWESOME!
I don't think I've ever really done anything quite so global before. I mean, I have my vids on YouTube, adn this blog, but I can be pretty sure that LC15 will get more recognition than either of them. Isn't it great?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
Ok, I sound silly now. Oh well! I should go eat something. I'm freakin STARVING!


Friday, February 1, 2008

Little Women/Drama Class

Ok, So today was a pretty fun day, besides the video editing hell. There was plenty of tomfoolerey going on between my peers and myself. Of all the days to NOT bring a camera, right? Anyway, Let's move on to the more interesting subjects: Lunch, Drama class, and Little Women rehersals!
Lunch was good. I had a tasty HotPocket and my dork guy friends and I played a good game of Kick Volley(You'll see what that is if you see the video. Or are one of the dorks I play it with.) It was a pretty spiffy lunch period which ended too early, as lunch periods tend to do.
Drama Class:
Drama was just Plummy! We reviewed the areas on a stage i.e. stage directions, flyspace, precenium(sp?) arch, etc. After that, we played pictionary, debated Nicholas Cage, did some math(we were in the math room), played hangman, and watched The Princess Bride. We would have done some improv, but it was freezing outside. We went into the math room, as I said earlier, which is tiny, so, no room for improv.
Little Women:
We FINALLY got our official scripts. I got one to practice with before, but now I have my official one which I can mark in. Yay! Oh, we have to memorize our lines by, at the latest, mid-march. EEK! I suppose that's not too short a time, but I've never had such a ginormous part before! Anyway, Mike, who is John Brooke, was at rehersals today. He had the flu our last rehersal. That wa 2 weeks ago, because our school had a Guitar Hero chapionship thing last week. Anyway, Alex wasn't there because he had to babysit the younglings of his houshold, or so Mr. Slagle (our director), told us. Oliver, our head Tech guy, stood in for Bhear in his absence. While we were doing the scene where Fredrich proposes, Alyssa (Aunt March) piped in saying, "I think Jo and Bhear should kiss, too." And the rest of the class seemed to think that would be just dandy. So, I might be kissing TWO guys in the play. Gee, great. I mean, I'm not completely inexperienced in the whole kissing department, but It's different kissing on stage. Hmmmm... not quite sure about how I'd feel. I mean, I'd be ok with whatever Mr. Slagle decides to do, but... Oh, I don't know!!!
I just know I'm gonna het a heaping mound of teasing for it either way. :P Mike was already teasing me after Rehersals today. But I got him back by teasing him and Rebecca (Meg) about their parts. Then we pretended to kill eachother. YAY! It was all in good fun.
Well, I'll post soon! Thanks for reading! :)


Video Problems

Ok, so my original plan was to finish editing and try to upload the School video this morning, but turns out it was too long. ergh. So, I went to cut it in half on my dad's snail-paced computer. I found about ten thousand problems with the video. It had sped up in placed it shouldn't have, The audio wasn't syncing with the video, Just generally obnoxious problems all around. Some of it couldn't be fixed, so I spent an hour trying to make it YouTube suitable. I think I burnt my brain. So, tomorrow I will try it on MY laptop.
Oh, and about my laptop, My dad boutght me TWO firewire cards, neither of which worked on my laptop, so we put the video on a hard drive which SHOULD be compatible. My laptop works at light speed compared to my dad's, so it should be a bit less frusturating.
Ok, I went to rehersal today, so I'll post a new blog about how that went.


Teensy Weensy bit late

Okay, so I'm a teensy weensy bit *cough*two weeks*cough* late on putting up the video of me at my school, but It will be up either today or tomorrow, I swear! I've had software and hardware problems. It's nearly fixed. I just have to edit and post the vid. I'm not sure I'm going to continue Vlogging. I might just Blog. Vlogging is just SO much hassle!
So, I've been memorizing lines like crazy. Jo is a HUGE part! hmm... guess I didn't notice before. :P BUT, I'm going to be co-hosting a podcast! That's right! LonelyCast15! WOOHOO! I'm so technological! We're recording it Sunday at 2, so It should be out soon afterwards. LC15 has a Blog too!:
It'll be great! Please listen! I want fame! XP
Ok, It's about 12:40 am right now. I'm not supposed to be up... I should go b4 I get in trouble. Bye!