Friday, February 22, 2008

Long and Crude

Ok, I bet this is going to be long... no longer than usual... but yeah. And it's going to have some curse words. If you don't like it, go do something else.

Ok, my mom was being really fucking annoying. So, We were gone for a week and she wanted me to get all of my homework done by 2:00 tomorrow or I won't be able to go to the Improv Everywhere Scene Diego mission. So, I managed to talk her down to me doing 2 assignments, but she says I have to clean my room. And it's never fucking clean enough for my parents. It's not like we're having prople over or anything, they just want it fucking spotless, don't they. I have this pile of books and crap next to my bed, and they are ALWAYS telling me to clean it up, even though by the next day it will be a pile again, and it isn't even that fucking big, anyway! They annoy the shit out of me sometimes. Ok, so, moving on...

Alex, if you read this, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!! I swear to God, he's fucking stalking me! And I'm just flat out avoiding him in every way possible, I even asked my dork friends to be spies for me, so that I wouldn't run into him, and they were being pretty funny about that. They started walking around in cirlces around the front gate because I was hiding in the math room, which is right by it... Anywhoooo, I went into the english room to hide a bit earlier, and he was walking back and forth by the ramp leading to the English room. I mean, you'd think the guy would get that I was avoiding him all day, but nooooooo... He sat next to me and kept chatting me up ALL through drama AND rehersals. When I was offstage, I was sitting down and watching, and he kept trying to get my attention and he was LEANING on my chair! It was CREEPY! Oh, and during drama, we were watching Into the Woods, and every time something even romotely funny happened, he'd have a freakin FIT! And then, he'd look at me to see if I was laughing. EVERY FREAKING TIME! Ok, so the story of Alex is pretty complicated, and my stories about him will most likely be confuzzling if you don't know it. So, I've decide that I shall tell you the complete Story of Alex. This is fun! I'll do more Story of's in the future, probably. Woot!

Ok, The Story of Alex...
SOOOOO, It all started last year... He was in drama and we all though he was a complete dork(me and my friends who were also in drama). I didn't really seem to notice him until... He was at Enchanted Evening last April, which was Masquerade themed, and he was wearing a Phantom mask. So, right away, love, right? So, we danced and it was fun, but I eventually got together with this other guy, Jason in May(I'll tell his story next... or maybe Nick's story...w/e) but that's a whole other story. So, I broke up with Jason and school started. I started talking to Alex, and we became friends.
Then, around... December I think, it came time for Winter Formal. My friend Erika somehow got his e-mail adderess, probly found it off of my computer or something... and she e-mailed him telling him that he should ask me to the formal. Remember, I still liked him at this time. So, I found out and got pissed at her, but not before she told me what Alex told her, that he doesn't want to go out with anyone until he had his driver's lisence, adn he was 17 and didn't even have his permit yet. So, I thought, "Yeah, I'm soooo not going to wait that long." Some girls might, but for me it was just a total dealbreaker. Well, at the formal, I started talking to Eric, Kyle, Xerxes, and Stefan, and I found that they were all really fun and great to talk too. They had similar opinions about politics and just random stuff, though they didn't care for Musicals, I don't really care. They're really awesome! XD(they will be known as the Guys from now on.)
So, I though a while over break, and I started to loose interest. He obviously didn't.
When I came back from winter break, we were still friends, but I didn't like him anymore. So, he tried out for Little Women, because I had said that he should, hoping he would be Fredrich and I would be Jo(I told him to back when I still liked him), which we were cast as. whoopy. So, we were still friends for a while, and I guess you could say that we still kinda are, but a few weeks ago, he started following me around. He started hanging out with the Guys a bit after I did, even though he said at the dance that he didn't like them and tried to avoid them whenever he could. Well, that must mean that he only hangs out with them to be around me! Touching, isn't it. Yeah, problem is I DON'T LIKE HIM!
ANYWAY... He started following me around, hanging around outside of my classrooms, being generally unavoidable(or so it would seem ;D) which just makes me try to avoid him. So today, I was pretty much forced into hiding in the jr. high math and english rooms to try and hide from him. When he started pacing back and forth outside the english class, we could see him out of the window. Miss M, our english teacher looked like she was about to start laughing. I actually managed to not run into him at all from lunch to Drama(about 3 periods). I have to admit, it was kinda fun trying to avoid him. It made me feel like a secret agent or something! XP
BUT, that does NOT mean I want him to conitnue this behavior! I want to be stalked by the Phantom or NOT AT ALL! XD
*sigh* At least Alexdoesn't call me or e-mail me non-stop. In fact, he rarely does either. What can I say, the guy is just plain weird. And not the good kind either.
So, he does this weird thing where he acts out enire scenes from movies or Homestarrunner or something, but he does all of the sound effects AND the motions. even in enclosed spaces. He once did this thing where he reenacted this scene from Happry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets where Harry hits Draco with Rictumsempra. Alex pretended to be Harry, yelling the spell, and then draco, being hit by the spell. H ejumped up and backwards, sort of spinning as he did so, do demonstrate Draco flying backwards and spinning around. He enacts scenes like this at least once or twice a day. It's one thing if he was practicing lines or something, but it just gets annoying. I sometimes feel embarrassed for him.
Anyway, he did this TWICE during rehersals today. He was obviously trying to get my attention, but I tried to ignore him without seemng too much like a bitch.
So, today all of my friends were teasing me about it. Rebecca kept going on about how he wants to marry me and how, "He had no one to love, until YOU came along!" She was just teasing, though, and it was pretty funny! :P
So, Alex is being creepy, ranting like this got me in a good enough mood to do some homework, and I'm satisfied! Don't you love blogging? XD

Tune in next week for... The Story of...(Either Nick or Jason. Probly Nick. Jason's annoys me so much that I think that telling it would result in a severe freak out. XPPPPPP o.O)


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