Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ok, so it'sbeen a week...

...And BOY do I have news!

No, not boynews or anything that would make a normal teenage girl squeel for joy, but when did I ever claim to be normal?

So before I get to the news, I'll start with the boring stuff. First, I'm at school again. Yep. Avoiding work. Well, not so much avoiding as putting off work. I swear I'll do it at home. I have to. If I dont, I may have to retake 9th grade history. No way do I want to do that! We're doing websites in class, and these laptops make my brian hurt. I'm waiting so I can do it at home. I have infinately better abilities on my home compy compared to here. It's due friday, so I'll probably spendmost of tomorrow working on it. I don't mind though. I like website making. It should be pretty easy too. It's just researching and copying basic information onto a standard site builder and then stylizing it a bit. Basic, huh? Yeah. Moving on...

So, what else is boring? Oh, Well it's not boring, but It's a tradition...
Ok, so he hasn't done a lot of annoying things in a while, and I've been starting to warm up to him again, you know, as a friend. That is ALL. Buuuuut... Today at lunch, he gve me some... news that I think he was hoping I would be excited about. Well, he comes over to the side of the table I sit at, and leans over me, very creepy like, and says...
"Hey Katie!"
So I say...
"Oh. Hi."
And it follows...
"So, guess what?"
"I just got my drivers license this morning!"
"Hmm... cool."
And I proceeded to listen to my music and panic.

So, if you recall, he won't date until he has his lisence. And now he has it. And I'm pretty sure he now wants to date me. OMC how could this happen?!?!?!? Can't he just get over it already?!?!?!?!@?@32u28413kjehyu!
Ok, I have to go. Class is almost over. cya in a bit!

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