Saturday, February 16, 2008

A fine, fine line

This is named after a really good song from Avenue Q. The sont is probably the most serious in the musical, seeing as how 2 of my other favorite songs in it are called If You were Gay and The Internet is for Porn. Yeah, wellllllll...

So I'm stalling. Well, there's this guy at my school, who I forget if I told you about before, that I like. I think his friends might read this, so I'll keep his name a secret for now. Well, I want to ask hm out. Problems.... I'm pretty dang sure that Alex REALLLLLLY likes me. He gave me chocolate on V-day(so he obviously doessn't read my blog). Well, the day after V-day, since I don't have school thursdays. Anyway, so Alex really likes me. We covered that. So, I don't want to hurt his feelings by asking the other guy out because Alex is a really good friend, but I'm really not interested in him like that. I used to be, but I guess I just lost interest and stuff. So, I want to ask the other guy out, but Alex tends to overreact to a lot of things and I really don't want to invoke his wrath :P
So, I'm planning to ask the other guy out soon, because I'm pretty sure he likes me too. I have a good sense for these things. But, how to let Alex down softly? UGH! Boys are so unobservant! Seriously, I've been really trying to avoid Alex when he starts following me around, trying to give him the cold shoulder without being too mean, being, what I think is REALLY obvious about my feelings, but Alex just doesn't get it! He continues to follow me around and wait outside my classes! And I'm sooooo not one to intentionally play hard-to-get. I think that that's just kind of stupid. I only really hide my feelings if speaking them aloud would defnately cause a giant blow-out. And even then I sometimes say them.

Ok, I have about 10 songs I've written for Alex which say to "Step Off" or that "He's not the one". I'll go post them on my blog soon. I just gotta go get them...

Oh! So, We're recording another podcast today at 6:30. I'll tell you how it goes! LG15 is really exciting right now!

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