Sunday, February 3, 2008


Hey, there! The first episod of LC15 has been recorded! YAY! We shall hopefully be getting tons of fans soon! YAY! Because who doesn't love a LG15 podacst, right? Oh, I bet i sound like a total dork on it. OH WELL! That's what I like! YAY DORKS!
Anyway, I'll try to edit the school vid soon. Eventually. Ok, let's face it, I'll probably never get it up. *sigh* I'll just make it a DVD and sell it to my friends XP
It's raining really hard here. Ok, so not really hard, but pretty hard.
I had SO much fun recording the podcast, being able to talk to fellow LonelyCrackers like myself. I was suprised when Lexi said that Christian and I were the first 2 people to e-mail her. I thought I'd be one of hundreds of people! Hmmmm, guess I just love internet fame, right? :P
I was memorizing lines like CRAZY last night! I've managed to roughly memorize the first 2 acts. By roughly, I mean that I know most of the ques and lines, but I sometimes need to look at my script. It's so exciting! I have so much going on in my life right now, what with the Podcast and LW and just general life. I love it! I hate being bored.
So, I suppose I'll get plenty of adoring fans soon. :P Ha, jk.
I hope the Creators let LC15 become an official LG15 podcast. That would be AWESOME!
I don't think I've ever really done anything quite so global before. I mean, I have my vids on YouTube, adn this blog, but I can be pretty sure that LC15 will get more recognition than either of them. Isn't it great?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
Ok, I sound silly now. Oh well! I should go eat something. I'm freakin STARVING!


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